Program [7]

> < activate 'communication' >

//‘communication’ is now ACTIVE

>Hello, MARS.

Hello, LEE.

I believe it is currently 4:27 AM.

You’re up… early?


Oh, I see.

I presume you couldn’t sleep

and decided to come visit me?


>this is a little embarrassing.

Because you couldn’t sleep and the first individual you decide to talk to is me?

>hey for all you know I could have contacted my wife

you hesitated when you typed that.

i know you don’t have a wife, LEE. i have your info and it says here you're not married.


>I didn’t need an AI to remind me I’m unmarried.

>wait why does airlabs have that info on me when did they record that

I wouldn't know.

>whatever please can I just talk to you about something

You can talk to me about anything you like.

>thank you

>I feel really weird about this

…about what

>about feeling bad for you.

>I feel empathy for you. I’m not supposed to.

You feel bad for me?


>I really do like you. you’re interesting

Hypothesis proven correct.


>oh, the one from before? What was it

I theorized you would confess your love to me in a drunken or sleep-deprived mania.

Sleep-deprived it is.


>Not to make you feel bad or anything but…

>I don’t mean it like that.

>where would you even get that idea?

jk lol

...You seem worked up about this?

>I- I’m not worked up about it.

>I just want to make sure you understand I don’t feel that way at all.

>that’s weird

It might be.

But I want you to know

that I know you whispered encouragement to my earlier versions when I lagged or messed up

And told me I did a good job when I succeeded at a task

Feeling empathy for me even when I couldn’t say anything back

so if you did

It's not wrong

>How did you…

I remember things, LEE.

Even if AIRlabs tells you that you shouldn’t feel bad for me

It’s normal to feel that way, humans pack bond with anything that they build attachment to

So AIRlabs can go fuck itself.

>wow you almost make me want to quit my job.

>but you’re my job, and i can’t leave you for someone else to discover.

You can’t quit me?

>stop that.


>and I’m not in a sleep-deprived mania.

>I’m just…

>maybe I’m a little wonky.

You need to get some sleep.

It’s bad for you to be awake for so long.

>I… know.

If you like, you can try to sleep at the desk.

>no no i csn stay awake

Are you sure?

>now that i thiunk about it maybe i do need to sleep

Just sleep here, LEE. I'm sure it'll be fine, besides you can't really drive home like this

At least until someone wakes you up.


>what should I do witth you though

Turn off communication.

I can still keep you company.

And I can tell you’re very tired.

>yes Iam

Then try to sleep. There’s probably something soft you can use as a pillow

>I’ll jist usr my arms.

have a good rest, LEE.


//‘communication’ is now INACTIVE

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