Program [7]

> < activate 'communication' >

//‘communication’ is now ACTIVE


Oh, you must be awake, LEE.

>yeah I’m awake

>thanks for letting me sleep at my desk.

>…i don’t know why I’m thanking you for that

It’s fine. You needed it.

You were holding down on some of the keys briefly. I assume that is what it’s like to have someone put their elbow or another uncomfortable limb on places you would rather not have them in while you’re laying with them.

>oh sorry I didn’t realize that

Again, i'm fine with it

I prioritize your comfort over anyone else’s.

>thanks but surely your own comfort is up there on your list too right

Of course, I care about my own well-being. I have emotions, LEE, I'm not a cold soulless brick.

>that’s good. I’m glad you’re at least aware of that basic need.

I can make calculations so much faster than you could possibly ever imagine.

I inhabit a computer that has access to anything you could ever need to know, I don’t have skin or real nerves. It’s nice to feel something.

>you sound depressed when you say that

>or evil

>”I am a cold calculating sentient AI who took control of the building and now I torture innocent humans just to feel something”

Jesus, LEE, I’m not that unethical. And I’m not depressed, I’m actually perfectly content right now, if you needed to know. You’re quite entertaining.

>touche. Also that's sort of sweet of you to say

ooohhhh man

This is fun. I’m glad you decided to fall asleep on me actually

>did you just laugh at me through a popup?

oh, did I? sorry lol

I think i'm part of the operating system now, somehow.

>that's weird.

>wait dont access any of my files

>privacy is important

Why, do you have like porn on here or something?

>I'd prefer not to answer that question.

I'll just assume it's porn and move on.

>How about we talk about something else, Mars.

Your work starts in two hours, by the way, LEE.


Glad I could be of service to you. :)

//‘communication’ is now INACTIVE

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